RPG ウォーデルの魔導書

by OpenDoor



When the tragedy to two of the hero of the descendants Levin and Elma visited ... the fairy tale begins to move as a legend again ...

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これは、数多の災厄に翻弄されつつも、悪魔達と戦い続けた人々の物語いにしえの勇者伝説の影に隠されていた真実とは…出会いと別れ、笑いと涙。携帯アプリで、ご好評を得た感動のドラマチックRPGがAndroidに登場。◆探し出せ!コンパスが導く謎の空間各所で手に入る謎のコンパス。それが示す場所には、普段は絶対に行けない異次元迷宮への入口が隠されていると言う。そこには、貴重な道具や魔法の本が隠されている事も多いとか…コンパスを入手したら、ぜひ隠された異次元迷宮探しに挑戦してみよう。◆解決しよう!人々の困り事。人々から寄せられる、多くの依頼の数々。これらを解決していけば、色々な報酬が獲得できる。魔物討伐にアイテム探し!そして…謎のコンパスの数々。好きな時に、様々な依頼にチャレンジしてみよう。―――――ストーリー―――――ピュイック村…ここは、いにしえの勇者伝説が息づく平和な村でした。あの日までは…あの日、村外れに出た魔物も、誰もがいつもの雑魚達だと高をくくっていたのです。レヴィン達、村の自警団は軽い気持ちで追い払いに行きました。でも、彼らが遭遇したのは見た事の無い化け物達。神話やおとぎ話で語られる様な、凶悪な魔物が待ち受けていたのです。やっとの思いで魔物を倒した彼らが、村に戻って見たものは…ずっと続くと思っていた、退屈だけど平和な暮らしが崩れ去っていく姿でした。この時、彼らは、まだ気付いていませんでした。これが、彼らの人生と世界を揺るがす大きな動乱の幕開けに過ぎなかった事を。いにしえの勇者伝説の光と影。いくつもの国々と悪魔達の総力を挙げた大戦争の行方。そして、多くの敵味方が織りなす絆と友情のドラマの数々。さあ、あなたも…この冒険と大きな感動の物語を、ちょっと覗いてみませんか?This, while being at the mercy of many of the disaster is also a story of people who continued to fight with the devil weThe truth that has been hidden in the shadow of the hero legend of ancient ...Encounter and farewell, laughter and tears.Mobile app, dramatic RPG excitement got your popularity appeared to Android.◆ to retreive! space of mysterious compass leadsThe mystery of the compass that enters the hand in various places.The place where it shows, I usually say that the entrance to the different dimension labyrinth which can not go absolutely is hidden.There are, or concerns often this valuable tool and magic is hidden ...Once you have the compass, lets challenge is to find different dimension labyrinth was now hidden.◆ is trying to solve! People of the troubled it.It is feedback from people, many of many request.If we are to solve these problems, various rewards can be won.Locate items to subdue demons!And ... many of the mystery of the compass.At any time, lets challenge to various request.----- Story -----Pyuikku village ... here, hero legends of ancient was a peaceful village alive.Until that day ...That day, demon that came to Murahazure also, I nobody had enclose the high that it is always the small fry us.Levin who, village of vigilantes went to them away with a light heart.But, that no monster who was seen they have encountered.Such as is told in the myths and fairy tales, I heinous monster had been waiting.They defeated the barely demon is, those who look back to the village ...I thought as much followed, peaceful living It was a figure that walks away collapsed but boring.In this case, they did not yet noticed.This is, that it was only the dawn of big upheavals that shake their lives and the world.Light and shadow of the brave legendary ancient. A number of countries and the whereabouts of the Great War that gave the demons of all-out.And, many of the large number of enemy ally of woven ties and friendship drama.Come on, do you also ... the story of this adventure with great excitement, do not you a little peek?